Travel Info
Train/Route Information and Schedules
Below is information about trains serving Pennsylvania including train accommodations and station locations/amenities. Transfer between the Pennsylvanian and the Capitol Limited at Pittsburgh for travel west of Pittsburgh.
Pennsylvanian: New York-Philadelphia-Harrisburg-Pittsburgh (Timetable)
Keystone Service: New York-Philadelphia-Harrisburg (Timetable)
Capitol Limited: Washington, DC-Pittsburgh-Cleveland-Chicago (Timetable)
Lake Shore Limited: New York/Boston-Buffalo-Erie-Cleveland-Chicago (Timetable)
To answer additional questions about travel by train, the Amtrak website provides information about:
- Tickets, schedules, train status
- Tracking your train
- Reservations, ticketing, passenger ID and other planning information
- Onboard features and amenities (Baggage, bicycles, dining, pets, seating, sleeping accommodations)
- Boarding process and station services
- Discounts and promotions
- Upgrading your reservation
- COVID-related requirements and safety measures
Altoona (Pennsylvanian)
- Things to Do
- Transit Agencies
Connellsville (Capitol Limited)
- Things to Do
- Transit Agencies
Erie (Lake Shore Limited)
- Things to Do
- Transit Agencies
Greensburg (Pennsylvanian)
- Things to Do
- Transit Agencies
Harrisburg (Pennsylvanian, Keystone Service)
- Things to Do
- Transit Agencies
Huntingdon (Pennsylvanian)
- Things to Do
- Transit Agencies
- CART Shared Ride Program (Ride Share)
Johnstown (Pennsylvanian)
- Things to Do
- Transit Agencies
Latrobe (Pennsylvanian)
- Things to Do
- Transit Agencies
Lewistown (Pennsylvanian)
- Things to Do
- Transit Agencies
- Mifflin-Juniata Regional Services Corporation (Ride Share)
Pittsburgh (Capitol Limited, Pennsylvanian)
Arriving by train
Your station is
Pittsburgh, PA – Union Station (PGH)
1100 Liberty Ave.
Pittsburgh, PA 15222
When making a reservation at, if you are taking the train, be sure to select PGH.
Arriving by bus
Your station is
Pittsburgh, PA – Bus Station (PGB)
Greyhound Bus Station - Grant St. Transportation Center
55 11th St.
Pittsburgh, PA 15222
The train station is on one side of Liberty Ave., and the Greyhound Bus Station is located on the other side of Liberty Ave., within the Grant St. Transportation Center. For safety’s sake, please cross at the light!
The Grant St. Transportation Center also contains two separate parking garages (Blue and Red). The Red garage is somewhat closer to the train station. Overnight parking is allowed; print and fill out this form, and drop it off following the instructions on the bottom of the form.
- Things to Do
- Transit Agencies
- Beaver County Transit Authority
- Butler Transit Authority
- Fayette Area Coordinated Transportation
- Mid Mon Valley Transit Authority
- Mountain Line Transit Authority
- New Castle Area Transit Authority
- Port Authority of Allegheny County
- Washington County Transportation Authority
- Westmoreland County Transit Authority
Tyrone (Pennsylvanian)
- Things to Do
- Transit Agencies
- Blair Senior Services (Ride Share)